The theme for this year’s World No Tobacco Day, “We need food, not tobacco,” to be commemorated on May 31, is apt given the rising food insecurity around the world. It aims to raise awareness about alternative crop production and marketing opportunities for tobacco farmers.
Tobacco Use, “Deaths of Despair”, and Widening Inequality in Life Expectancy in the United States
There is substantial concern in the United States (U.S.) today about growing income inequality and the dramatic increase in life expectancy inequality. As discussed below, tobacco use plays an important role in these disparities.
The Global Toll of Preventable Cardiovascular Disease: Why Does It Matter?
Sudden and unexpected, often appearing without previous symptoms or warnings, are terms that appropriately describe the utter shock that some of us feel when we learn after a relatively non-invasive angiogram test that we have a severe artery blockage that put us at high risk of suffering a deadly heart attack or stroke if no…
A Policy Perspective on Climate Change, Health, and Health Systems
Back in 2015, in his powerful Encyclical Letter “Laudato Si” or “Praise Be to You”, Pope Francis made a powerful statement, unifying both the spiritual and scientific dimensions of life, on one of humanity’s greatest challenges in the 21st Century: environmental destruction and climate change.
A Perspective: Decoding the Tobacco Industry’s “Unsmoke the World” Claim
There exists much skepticism about the tobacco industry’s claim that it wants to “unsmoke the world”.[1] Tobacco control proponents question how much the tobacco industry’s “transition narrative” should be trusted. [2] The history of the tobacco industry provides ample evidence for skepticism, if not outright rejection. While scientific studies demonstrated the negative harms of tobacco use, the tobacco industry…
CAMRADATA – Sustainable Investing Whitepaper
Tobacco Free Portfolios was pleased to participate in the CAMRADATA Sustainable Investing roundtable to discuss advancing sustainable finance and ensuring products labelled ESG, SDG-aligned or ‘net-zero’ are explicitly tobacco-free. Read more in the CAMRADATA Sustainable Investing Whitepaper.
Healthcare Company Retirement Plans Addicted to Tobacco
Tobacco presents an array of health, ethical and social risks that are well-known and long- studied. This report, drawing on new academic analysis from Maastricht University School of Business and Economics demonstrates that declining returns and growing business threats present a clear and present financial risk for investors in tobacco.
Quitting tobacco: See if ESG exclusions hurt performance
Tobacco presents an array of health, ethical and social risks that are well-known and long- studied. This report, drawing on new academic analysis from Maastricht University School of Business and Economics demonstrates that declining returns and growing business threats present a clear and present financial risk for investors in tobacco.
The Tobacco Report
This study researches the performance of a portfolio excluding tobacco over 20 years and investigated financial results at varying levels of tobacco exclusion. Key takeaways included that portfolios with very strict tobacco exclusions outperformed the market (in a six year study) and an index portfolio without tobacco didn’t underperform the index with tobacco, over the last 20 years.
Tobacco: Reviewing the Growing Financial Risks
Tobacco presents an array of health, ethical and social risks that are well-known and long- studied. This report, drawing on new academic analysis from Maastricht University School of Business and Economics demonstrates that declining returns and growing business threats present a clear and present financial risk for investors in tobacco.