June 2024 Newsletter

Tobacco Free Portfolios was proud to host an exclusive rooftop event to celebrate World No Tobacco Day in London. We welcomed a host of finance leaders who joined us to discuss the benefits of tobacco-free finance. Back in the USA, our US Director – Rebecca Brown – was invited to give a keynote speech at…

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March 2024 Newsletter

Happy Year of the Dragon!  Welcome to Tobacco Free Portfolios’ refreshed newsletter format – the first for 2024 – we hope your year has been off to a terrific start.  Our small but mighty team has hit the ground running.  Rebecca enjoyed catching up with our colleagues in sustainable finance at the IFRS Symposium in…

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May 2023 Newsletter

2023 has been a busy year so far for the Tobacco Free Portfolios team! We welcome the action of governments around the globe who are trying to reduce the impact of tobacco, not just on people but also the planet. The Dutch government is leading a push for the EU to consider banning cigarette filters…

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A Policy Perspective on Climate Change, Health, and Health Systems

Back in 2015, in his powerful Encyclical Letter “Laudato Si” or “Praise Be to You”, Pope Francis made a powerful statement, unifying both the spiritual and scientific dimensions of life, on one of humanity’s greatest challenges in the 21st Century: environmental destruction and climate change.

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