
100% of your donation will help us create a tobacco-free future so we can eliminate these issues:

We need your help.

Stock Donations are now accepted:

Donate Stock To Tobacco Free Portfolios Foundation

Donations received within the USA are tax deductible in the USA.

Donations received within Australia are tax deductible in Australia.

To make a donation to support our USA efforts via our 501(c)(3) Foundation in the USA via PayPal or Credit Card Payments, click here:


To make a donation to support our
global work through our not-for-profit organisation headquartered in Australia via PayPal or Credit Card, click here:


Donations received within Australia are tax deductible in Australia.

Donations received within the USA are tax deductible in the USA.


If you would like to learn more about our work or to arrange a call our team,
please contact Lisa Nicolaou on

Tax invoices will be issued upon receipt of funds.