Tobacco companies make products that...
are made with child labour in 17 different countries
cause more than 18 types of cancer
are incompatible with the human right to health and the human right to life
account for the number one ocean plastic
cause heart disease
cause 22,000 deaths each day
cause stroke
are predicted to cause one billion deaths this century
cause emphysema
cost the global community as estimated US$ 1 Trillion per year
cause 8 million deaths each year
contain hundreds of dangerous chemicals
cause 1.2 million deaths every year in people who do not use the product
It’s time to move to
tobacco-free finance.
By working collaboratively with the world’s largest financial organisations, we have seen a dramatic shift in recent years with dozens of leading financial organisations from more than 20 countries implementing tobacco-free finance policies – spanning lending, investment and insurance.
Recent tobacco-free decisions include:
- AXA: World’s largest insurer - 2016 - 1.8B Euro of tobacco industry assets divested
- Medibank: Largest Australian health insurer - 2016
- SCOR: French reinsurer - 2017
- AVIVA: Largest UK insurer - 2017
- Aegon N.V.: Dutch life insurance, pensions and asset management company - 2018
- NN Group N.V.: Dutch insurance and asset management company - 2018
- VARMA: Finnish mutual pension insurance company - 2019
- Lawcover Insurance: Australian insurer - 2019
- AIA: Hong Kong based Insurer - 2019
- Société Générale – French Insurer – 2019
- (note Skandia: Swedish life insurance savings and investment asset management company – have been tobacco-free since 1998)
Pension Funds
- AP4: Swedish pension fund - 2016
- CalPERS: USA Pension fund - 2016 (tobacco-free policy extended to external fund managers)
- Australia Post Super Scheme: Australian pension fund - 2017
- Australian Catholic Super: Australian pension fund - 2017
- PME: Dutch Pension fund – 2017
- PGB: Dutch pension fund - 2017
- Telstra Super: Australian pension fund - 2017
- OP Trust: Canadian pension fund - 2017
- BT Super: Australian pension fund - 2017
- Asgard Super: Australian pension fund - 2017
- Guild Super: Australian pension fund - 2017
- Child Care Super: Australian pension fund - 2017
- Australian Super: Australian pension fund - 2017
- Teachers’ Pension Fund (Lærernes): Danish - 2017
- PenSam: Danish Pension Fund - 2017
- TNO: Dutch Pension Fund - 2017
- ABP: Dutch pension fund - 2018
- Ircantec: French pension fund - 2018
- Alm Brand Pension: Danish pension fund - 2018
- Philips Pensioenfonds: Dutch Pension Fund - 2018
- PWRI: Dutch Pension Fund – 2018
- Mercer: Australian pension fund and wealth manager - 2018
- Qantas Super: Australian Pension Fund – 2018
- Keva: Finnish pension fund - 2018
- SPOV: Dutch pension fund - 2018
- Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan: Canadian pension fund - 2018
- Colonial First State: Australian pension fund and wealth manager - 2018
- KLM Pension Fund: Netherlands - 2018
- AP1: Swedish Pension Fund - 2019
- PMT: Netherlands - 2018
- Vision Super: Australian pension fund - 2018
- Pensioenfonds Post NL: Netherlands - 2018
- Media Super: Australian pension fund – 2019
- BUSSQ: Australian pension fund - 2019
- REST: Australian pension fund – 2019
- Danica Pension: Danish pension fund - 2019
Sovereign Wealth Funds
- NZ Superannuation Fund - 2006
- The Government Pension Fund of Norway – 2010
- Australian Future Fund – 2013
- Fonds de Réserve pour les Retraites: France - 2016
- Irish Sovereign Investment Fund - 2016
- Sovereign Wealth Fund of the Republic of Panama - 2018
- ANZ, NZ branch: ceased investing in tobacco - 2016
- Bank of New Zealand: Ceased lending to and investing in tobacco - 2017
- ABN-AMRO: Dutch Bank: Ceased lending to tobacco - 2017
- Westpac Bank: Australian Bank: Ceased lending to tobacco – 2007. Extended tobacco-free policy across wealth management - 2017
- Natixis: French Bank: Ceased lending to and investing in tobacco - 2017
- BNP Paribas: French Bank: Ceased lending to, investment in and insurance of tobacco - 2017.
- BNP Asset Management - 2018
- ING: Dutch Bank: Ceased lending to and investing in tobacco - 2018
- ANZ: Ceased lending to tobacco - 2018
- La Banque Postale: French Bank - 2018
- ASB Bank: New Zealand Bank: Ceased investing in tobacco - 2018
- Triodos Bank: Dutch bank – 2019 Bank
- Van Lanschot Kempen: Dutch Bank and asset manager – 2019
- Yes Bank: Indian Bank – 2019
- IDLC: Bangledesh Bank – 2019
- Desjardins: Canadian Bank - 2019
- In addition, Dutch Banks Rabobank and ASN have been tobacco-free for some years
Asset Managers
- Storebrand Asset Management AS: Norwegian Asset Manager has been tobacco-free for over 15 years
- Öhman: Swedish Asset Manager - 2016
- Actiam: Dutch Asset Manager - 2017
- Alm Brand (Investment, Asset Management, Pension): Denmark - 2017
- AMP Capital: Australian Fund Manager - 2017
- Russell Investments: Australia and New Zealand - 2017
- Simplicity AB: Swedish Asset Manager - 2017
- BNP Paribas Asset Management - French Fund Manager - 2018
- Robeco: Dutch Fund Manager - 2018
- Kempen Capital Management: Dutch Asset Manager - 2018
- FIM: Finnish Asset Manager - 2019
- Länsforsäkringar: Swedish Asset Manager - 2019
- First State Investments/Colonial First State Global Asset Management: Asset Manager (Global) - 2019
- Amundi: Asset Manager (Europe) - 2020
- Alecta: Swedish Asset Manager - 2020
BNP Paribas is a proud supporter of Tobacco Free Portfolios – an exceptional team, uniquely placed to guide and support a transition to tobacco-free finance. Moving to tobacco-free has been an important step for BNP Paribas and underpins our commitment to sustainable finance.

Jean-Laurent Bonnafé, CEO BNP Paribas
Public health authorities work hard to support people to say no to tobacco. But the tobacco industry will continue destroying health as long as financial markets reward it for doing so. Tobacco Free Portfolios plays a vital role by working with investors to say no to tobacco too.

Dr Tedros Ghebreyesus, World Health Organization Director-General
Meeting with Dr. Bronwyn King was an eye opener for us. We had defined investment exclusions before: manufacturers of cluster bombs and antipersonnel landmines, coal producers and energy producers with more than 30% of coal in their mix. But as a large international insurer with a significant focus on health, we had never focused on tobacco, which kills more than eight million people annually. This was a gaping hole in our guidelines and it took us a few weeks to officially announce that we would become tobacco free.

Denis Duverne, AXA Chairman
I have seen the tremendous work that Tobacco Free Portfolios has done and the results they have achieved to get the financial sector out of the tobacco industry. That has made me a proud co-operator with these fine people and our common goals.

Xander den Uyl, Trustee at ABP, Europe’s largest pension fund
Armed with professionalism, patience, facts, finesse and unrelenting determination, the Tobacco Free Portfolios team has brought new hope to conquering a seemingly impossible challenge.

HRH Princess Dina Mired of Jordan, Global Ambassador for Tobacco Free Portfolios
By targeting new stakeholders, Tobacco Free Portfolios supports the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control and its ultimate goal of curbing the global tobacco epidemic.

Dr Vera Luiza Da Costa E Silva, Head of the Secretariat of the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control
Without investments, the tobacco industry simply cannot promote a practice which, because of its often lethal consequences on the right to health, ought to have been ended decades ago. The courageous movement led by Dr. Bronwyn King and her colleagues at Tobacco Free Portfolios is therefore a signature part of the human rights movement and their brilliant work fully deserves the support of all.

HRH Prince Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, Former UN Human Rights Chief
I would like to congratulate the remarkable team at Tobacco Free Portfolios for bringing this important issue into the board rooms of the finance industry and out of the investment portfolios of everyday savers. No role for tobacco when we invest for the future.

Eric Usher, Head of the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative
The tobacco industry, with its incessant drive to promote nicotine addiction, is probably the most pernicious of all business, pursuing profits at the cost of 8 million human lives every year. It is therefore heartening that Tobacco Free Portfolios challenges its access to finance by insisting that people matter more than profits.

Pavan Sukhdev, President WWF
You need correct and relevant information to make the right decisions. Tobacco Free Portfolios enlightened me and AP4 on why tobacco should be excluded in every long term and sustainable driven pension fund.

Mats Andersson, Former CEO at the Fourth Swedish National Pension Fund
Tobacco Free Portfolios is bringing a fresh approach to our decades long fight against the tobacco industry and opening up opportunities for new and powerful business partners in our movement.

Matthew Myers, CEO Tobacco Free Kids
Tobacco-Free Portfolios is making a significant global impact by disrupting what the tobacco industry cares most about - their bottom line.

Jose Luis Castro, President and CEO Vital Strategies
Tobacco continues to exert an unacceptable toll on society and remains the major preventable cause of disease and ill-health globally. Tobacco Free Portfolios is playing a pivotal role in the tobacco control agenda.

Sir Harpal Kumar, Former CEO Cancer Research UK
TFP provided us the platform to share our views and experiences on exiting the tobacco industry and therefore leveraging our impact towards other financial institutions both nationally as well as internationally. The major result of our cooperation is that we learn from other financial institutions and other financial institutions can learn from our experiences.

Richard Kooloos, Head of Sustainable Banking ABN AMRO
BNP Paribas is a proud supporter of Tobacco Free Portfolios – an exceptional team, uniquely placed to guide and support a transition to tobacco-free finance. Moving to tobacco-free has been an important step for BNP Paribas and underpins our commitment to sustainable finance.

Jean-Laurent Bonnafé, CEO BNP Paribas
Public health authorities work hard to support people to say no to tobacco. But the tobacco industry will continue destroying health as long as financial markets reward it for doing so. Tobacco Free Portfolios plays a vital role by working with investors to say no to tobacco too.

Dr Tedros Ghebreyesus, World Health Organization Director-General
Meeting with Dr. Bronwyn King was an eye opener for us. We had defined investment exclusions before: manufacturers of cluster bombs and antipersonnel landmines, coal producers and energy producers with more than 30% of coal in their mix. But as a large international insurer with a significant focus on health, we had never focused on tobacco, which kills more than eight million people annually. This was a gaping hole in our guidelines and it took us a few weeks to officially announce that we would become tobacco free.

Denis Duverne, AXA Chairman
I have seen the tremendous work that Tobacco Free Portfolios has done and the results they have achieved to get the financial sector out of the tobacco industry. That has made me a proud co-operator with these fine people and our common goals.

Xander den Uyl, Trustee at ABP, Europe’s largest pension fund
Armed with professionalism, patience, facts, finesse and unrelenting determination, the Tobacco Free Portfolios team has brought new hope to conquering a seemingly impossible challenge.

HRH Princess Dina Mired of Jordan, Global Ambassador for Tobacco Free Portfolios
By targeting new stakeholders, Tobacco Free Portfolios supports the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control and its ultimate goal of curbing the global tobacco epidemic.

Dr Vera Luiza Da Costa E Silva, Head of the Secretariat of the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control
Without investments, the tobacco industry simply cannot promote a practice which, because of its often lethal consequences on the right to health, ought to have been ended decades ago. The courageous movement led by Dr. Bronwyn King and her colleagues at Tobacco Free Portfolios is therefore a signature part of the human rights movement and their brilliant work fully deserves the support of all.

HRH Prince Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, Former UN Human Rights Chief
I would like to congratulate the remarkable team at Tobacco Free Portfolios for bringing this important issue into the board rooms of the finance industry and out of the investment portfolios of everyday savers. No role for tobacco when we invest for the future.

Eric Usher, Head of the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative
The tobacco industry, with its incessant drive to promote nicotine addiction, is probably the most pernicious of all business, pursuing profits at the cost of 8 million human lives every year. It is therefore heartening that Tobacco Free Portfolios challenges its access to finance by insisting that people matter more than profits.

Pavan Sukhdev, President WWF
You need correct and relevant information to make the right decisions. Tobacco Free Portfolios enlightened me and AP4 on why tobacco should be excluded in every long term and sustainable driven pension fund.

Mats Andersson, Former CEO at the Fourth Swedish National Pension Fund
Tobacco Free Portfolios is bringing a fresh approach to our decades long fight against the tobacco industry and opening up opportunities for new and powerful business partners in our movement.

Matthew Myers, CEO Tobacco Free Kids
Tobacco-Free Portfolios is making a significant global impact by disrupting what the tobacco industry cares most about - their bottom line.

Jose Luis Castro, President and CEO Vital Strategies
Tobacco continues to exert an unacceptable toll on society and remains the major preventable cause of disease and ill-health globally. Tobacco Free Portfolios is playing a pivotal role in the tobacco control agenda.

Sir Harpal Kumar, Former CEO Cancer Research UK
TFP provided us the platform to share our views and experiences on exiting the tobacco industry and therefore leveraging our impact towards other financial institutions both nationally as well as internationally. The major result of our cooperation is that we learn from other financial institutions and other financial institutions can learn from our experiences.