Tobacco causes more than eight million deaths every year — and many of us are far more complicit in the problem than we realise. In a bold talk, oncologist Dr. Bronwyn King AO tells the story of how she uncovered the deep ties between the tobacco industry and the entire global finance sector, which invests our money in cigarette companies through big banks, insurers and pension funds.
Tobacco-Free Finance Celebration
Her Royal Highness Princess Dina Mired of Jordan, Dr Bronwyn King, Clare Payne and Dr Rachel Melsom, together with CEOs and Chairs of dozens of Australian pension funds and fund managers celebrated the progress to date in the transition to tobacco-free finance. AU$1.3 Trillion of Australians’ superannuation savings were invested under tobacco-free policies as of October 2018.
Colonial First State Quits Tobacco
Tobacco is the world’s leading cause of preventable death – and overwhelmingly, our customers don’t want it in their options. That’s why we’re divesting from tobacco companies.